Dolphins alongside a QBE cutter off the Breton coast

It’s not uncommon for us (and other sailors) to be escorted by pods of dolphins. People who study marine life seem to have differing opinions why they do this. Some speculate they’re able to expend less energy by slipstreaming—i.e., they’re wanting to hitch a free ride. Others opine that dolphins are very curious animals: they simply want to check out any large floating projectile not found in nature, see who’s on it and what they’re doing. Whatever the reason, a dolphin escort is always a source of tremendous excitement for the crew. We’re advised not to feed dolphins day-old pizza or… well, anything at all. In fact, it’s illegal.

A dolphin pod escorting a QBE sailing expedition (July 2022)

QBE July 2022 Expedition Update—We made it to Pornichet!

Everybody had a terrific time exploring the entire length of the Breton coast, learning a lot about gaff-rig sailing, and making great new friends. (Crew members also got their QBE t-shirts! LOL) More pics of the expedition later.

Now we spend a few days participating in a classic-boat regatta before welcoming our August crew and heading back to St-Malo.