La Touline

Saint-Malo: Arguably The Crêpe Capital Of The World


Brittany is known for its crêpes (thin pancakes stuffed with everything from fruit to meats to chocolate). And St.-Malo may have more crêperies per capita than any other city in France. After a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation, we estimate there must be some twenty just inside the city walls. So, where are best crêpes and galettes (buckwheat crêpes) in la Cité corsaire? There would be several contenders. If you want an ample dollop of French charm on the side, you might go with, say, Le Moulin Vert (pictured above). But based solely on the quality of the pancakes, we say it's the Solidor. Located at 7 Esplanade du Commandant Menguy, outside the walls, the crêpes and galettes are not only delicious (some have said the best in Brittany) but very reasonably priced. For example, a ham, cheese, mushroom, and egg galette costs only slightly more than a Coke on the Champs-Elysées in Paris.

La Touline is a close runner up (6 Place de la Poissonnerie). The owner, Pascal, is a great "crêpemeister" and a great guy!