Not all Wildernesses are covered in trees. One of the most unexpected—and fascinating—ones can be found along the Atlantic coast of Europe.

The QBE European Leadership School (ELS) takes teenage crew members on an adventure sailing expedition along the rugged coastlines and small islands of the English Channel. Emphasizing navigation skills, sailing instruction, personal development, and European cultural exploration, it’s a unique wilderness course and premium worldschool option for teenagers.

 Join us next summer on the French Atlantic coast for a singular expedition in the English Channel on iconic traditional yachts.

*QBE (Qualified By Experience) is an expeditionary-learning initiative supported by a group of outdoor enthusiasts who all either taught at or attended the same Swiss international school. Outdoor and cultural expeditions were mandatory for students, and through the years, skiing, mountaineering, cycling, and sailing were the outdoor activities of choice. Today, we’re trying to make the school’s transformative teenage experiences available to a wider market.

It’s a fact that self-esteem is a powerful catalyst for academic and career success. And when it comes to boosting confidence, challenging outdoor adventures frequently prove to be the secret sauce. Parents are amazed at the difference great adventures make in their teens’ life trajectories. And among life-elevating experiences available to young adults, you can believe us when we tell you this is one of the best.



 Est. 1992 | No sailing experience necessary | The language of instruction is English