News Flash


Dateline QBE: The old world that many people say no longer exists… still exists. At least in many instances and places.

We are told that technology has changed everything. Well, yes and no. For example, we may use Skype to conduct a conference call, but we still prefer to go to birthday parties where people actually congregate. “A Skype party” just isn’t the same thing—no cake, no candles to blow out, no hugs. Sometimes technology is better than nothing, but love operates most powerfully face to face, the old-fashioned way.

Similarly, the foundation of a great education is still built —in large part—on the pillar of experiences. Online team sports can never replace the playing field. Online chemistry lessons can never adequately substitute for experiments in a chemistry lab. Nor can a virtual climb up a mountain ever take the place of the physical and logistical challenges (and final exhilaration) of a real ascent. Authentic achievements always convey a grace that virtual accomplishments cannot. Whether it’s building a boat, rebuilding a car, or sailing around the world, powerful emotional benefits flow from the actual doing.

At QBE, we’re all about the power of authentic physical and emotional challenges to transform young lives. There’s a time to put the smart phones down. Conquering real challenges brings a personal equilibrium and sense of self worth that, to be honest, you can’t find on the couch with some gadget in your hands. Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. If you want us to prove it, you know how to get in touch.