
Did you know Guernsey has a Diamond Museum?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, there’s a lot of money sloshing about in the Channel Islands—Monaco-dans-la-Manche (Monaco in the English Channel). But just in case you didn’t know and might be interested…

From the tourist bureau’s website:

Want to know how to spot a quality diamond in the rough? Learn how to choose the perfect stone for you and become a diamond expert from carat to cut; clarity to colour. Nestled safely in the old John Tanns bankers vault, The Guernsey Diamond Museum gives a fascinating insight and practical guide into the sparkling world of diamonds. Find out the gemstones rich history, including mystery, scandal and superstition along with expert tips and information on picking out diamond jewellery

* FWIW: We note that there are also a surprising number of exotic/super cars on prosperous Jersey, an island with a 40mph speed limit. We can only assume the locals don’t want to waste much time going from 0 to 40?

There really are so many unexpected things to see and do in our sailing area. What we lack in coconut palms we more than make up for in rich history, cultural treasures, and fascinating discoveries.